The Poor People’s Pandemic Report takes a hard look at the intersections between COVID-19, poverty and race in the United States

Today we look at a report on COVID-19’s impact on existing disparities in the US, a hunger strike by imprisoned Egyptian activist Alaa Abd el-Fattah, and more

A closer look at the organizing efforts of the Amazon workers in Staten Island that made history by winning the first ever union in the US at the multi-billion dollar corporation

Taking on a company in which the CEO makes 909x more than a worker, King Soopers workers vote nearly unanimously to strike

Senator Joe Manchin went on Fox News last Sunday to announce that he “cannot vote” for the widely popular Build Back Better Act.

Workers at the world’s largest meal-kit delivery service are set to vote on unionizing at two US factories

In cities and towns across the US people mobilized to demand the cancellation of rents and called on Congress to wipe out all rent and mortgage debt accumulated during the pandemic.

The Unity and Survival Program of the Philadelphia Liberation Center provided essential food support to a struggling population as the pandemic wreaked havoc. Their success demonstrates that the problem of hunger haunting the United States can be solved with the right political will

Over one million customers have been left without power in the state of Louisiana following the passing of Hurricane Ida in the southeast of the US

Today we look at the lifting of a federal ban on evictions in the US, the Struggle for Life protest by Indigenous communities in Brazil, and more

Today we look at the Israeli Supreme Court hearing on the case of 4 families from Sheikh Jarrah, a referendum held in Mexico to decide if former presidents should be investigated, and more

Newsclick’s Prabir Purkayastha talks about the controversy over the US restrictions on sending raw materials for vaccines to India. He also analyzes what went wrong with India’s vaccine strategy