WHO negotiations for Pandemic Treaty extended due to disagreements

WHO members failed to agree on a final version of the new Pandemic Treaty which is to be adopted at the upcoming World Health Assembly in May. Global North countries are resisting calls for suspension of intellectual property claims on essential products, including vaccines

COVID-19 has killed more than 7 million people since 2020

While COVID-19 has disappeared from front pages, the virus is still claiming thousands of lives each month. The WHO warns against complacency and urges continuation of vaccination

Biden wraps up another dismal year

“Genocide Joe” is under fire for his unconditional support for Israel—but he failed long before that

Migrant health in Chicago suffers due to lack of planning and support

As migrants continue to arrive in Chicago, the city struggles to provide adequate shelter and health care for the new arrivals

COVID vaccine contracts South Africa Health activists reveal Big Pharma’s COVID-19 vaccine heist in South Africa

In a bid for transparency, health activists and civil society in South Africa have published the details of COVID-19 vaccine contracts between pharmaceutical giants and government. This follows a Pretoria High Court order instructing the Department of Health to disclose the contracts and proceedings of meetings pertaining to the procurement of vaccine doses

Beirut port blast On third anniversary of Beirut port blast, activists call for justice for victims

Successive attempts to establish accountability for the blast, which killed over 230 people and caused losses of billions of dollars, have been stalled due to political differences

Cuban health system How did Cuba tackle COVID-19?

In an interview with Outra Saúde, Ileana Morales from the Cuban Ministry of Public Health talks about how the country was ready for COVID-19 due to pre-established medical protocol. She also explains the process by which vaccines were developed

Amid threats and exploitation, Ugandan union strives to organize garment sector

The Uganda Textiles, Garments, Leather, and Allied Workers Union has been working to mobilize workers in the country’s garment and textile facilities in a sector marred by neoliberal reforms, informalization, and exploitative working conditions.

15 million in the US to be kicked off of public health benefits

Millions are to lose Medicaid/CHIP benefits in the coming months as pre-pandemic income eligibility restrictions have returned

Former US President Trump incited a right-wing insurrection. But that’s not why he’s being indicted

A Manhattan grand jury has indicted Trump in connection to hush money that he allegedly paid to cover up an affair. This does not even scratch the surface of his many crimes

Garment workers wage theft report Pandemic recovery for whom? Global South garment workers face wage theft as companies rake in profits

Garment workers in Asia have lost out on millions of dollars in wages since 2020, even as ‘Big Fashion’ corporations including Nike are raking in mega-profits for their owners and Wall Street, a new report has found. Trade unions have launched the #FightTheHeist campaign to resist this 

Egypt health workers shortage Egypt’s shortage of doctors reaches new highs

In 2022, over 4,000 doctors in Egypt’s public health system resigned from their jobs as salaries remained low and working conditions exhausting