The names of 18 of the 20 members of the cabinet were announced by prime minister Abdallah Hamdok. The cabinet includes many who took stands against the regime of former president Omar al-Bashir

Abdullah Hamdok, a finance ministry official prior to the coup of 1989, has been selected as the new prime minister. He will head the government for a period of three years and three months after which elections will be held

The agreement between a section of the DFCF and the military junta does not assure the dissolution of militias and grants immunity to government members

Tens of thousands of people are set to take to the streets for the third successive day demanding justice for the four children and one activist who were killed by militiamen in the city of El Obeid

Protesters are concerned that justice for those who were attacked during the protests is impossible unless the military lays down power

The agreement signed on July 17 between the military junta and some sections of the opposition has enabled the former to go back on certain commitments it had made in the earlier negotiations

The Sudanese Communist Party’s decision comes after a meeting between the leadership of the civilian forces and the military junta in which the latter went back on a number of commitments it had made earlier

In a statement, the Sudanese Communist Party has asked the protesters to stay on the streets to ensure that the military sticks to its side of the July 5 agreement on a new transitional government

The civilian protesters, represented by the Declaration of Freedom and Change Forces, and the Transitional Military Council have reached an agreement on the composition of the presidential council, which was the main point of contention for months

At least 10 people were killed and over 180 injured as the security apparatus cracked down Sunday’s march marking the anniversary of the 1989 coup that brought ex-president Omar al-Bashir to power

Despite heavy police repression, the strike saw widespread participation from workers across sectors in Sudan

The two-day strike was called for by the Sudanese Professionals Association in order to pressurize the military junta to make way for civilian rule