The government of Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez has initiated an ambitious health reform in Colombia, which could make essential care more accessible to the people. Health activists from the WHO Watch program met with Dr. Jaime Urrego, Vice-Minister of Health of Colombia, to discuss its impacts.

The health reform bill seeks to transform the current system in Colombia. Amongst other things it calls for creating healthcare access points in each neighborhood and town of the country to ensure access to all citizens

Un intenso debate rodea la propuesta de reforma a la salud presentada por el gobierno de Gustavo Petro y Francia Márquez, mientras el negocio de los seguros privados de salud y los conservadores intentan bloquearla.

The health reform proposal of the Petro government has sparked a heated debate, as the health insurance corporations and conservatives try to block it

President Gustavo Petro recalled that millions of people voted for “change” in the 2022 elections, and vowed to implement measures to bring about the essential social changes in favor of the working class majority

The recent victory of Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez at the presidential election in Colombia, a great sense of hope has arisen when protection of health rights is concerned