Ethnic cleansing in Palestine
Israel continues its efforts to undermine UNRWA

By dismantling UNRWA the Israel is seeking to eliminate the Palestinian right of return to their homeland and to liquidate their cause, in addition to depriving millions from their basic rights

Crece el apoyo a la demanda de Sudáfrica contra Israel

Bolivia y Malasia han emitido declaraciones de apoyo a Pretoria, que ha pedido a la CIJ que dicte medidas urgentes para detener las operaciones militares de Israel en Gaza.

Support grows for South Africa’s case against Israel

Bolivia and Malaysia have issued statements of support for Pretoria, which has called on the ICJ to issue urgent measures to stop Israel’s military operations in Gaza.

Israel’s war machine can’t break the steadfastness of Palestinian health workers

Palestinian health workers and allies continue to oppose Israel’s attacks on health care in Gaza, build solidarity and resistance

The people of the world declare: “Palestine will be free!”

November 4 marked an International Day of Solidarity with Palestine as people took to the streets in over 300 cities across the world to demand an immediate ceasefire in Gaza and to stand with the Palestinian people in their struggle for liberation.

Craig Mokhiber on UN’s failures in Palestine and why he quit

In this interview with Vijay Prashad, Craig Mokhiber illustrates how the United Nations has failed the people of Palestine over the decades.

La asfixiante ocupación de Palestina ahora es una serie de crímenes de guerra

Israel ha violado flagrantemente el derecho internacional humanitario en las últimas tres semanas de bombardeos incesantes sobre Gaza, todo ello con el respaldo político y financiero de Estados Unidos.

End to the occupation needed to fulfil right to health in Palestine

Palestinian health worker Layth Hanbali speaks about how Israel’s siege has devastated Gaza’s health system which was already struggling due to the blockade

The suffocating occupation of Palestine is now a series of war crimes

Israel has grossly violated international humanitarian law in the last 3 weeks of incessant bombing of Gaza, all with the political and financial backing of the US

Over 500 Palestinians massacred in Israeli hospital bombing

An additional 600 were injured following the Israeli bombing of a Christian hospital in central Gaza

“If Palestine is occupied, there is no peace in the world”

The current situation in Palestine was central to the opening panel of the III International Conference Dilemmas of Humanity in Johannesburg.

El salvajismo de la guerra contra el pueblo palestino

La violencia brutal y puntual de Israel contra el pueblo palestino en Gaza durante la última década viola todas las convenciones internacionales sobre guerra y derechos humanos.