African Liberation Day marks the founding of the Organization of African Unity in 1963. While the idea of ‘liberation’ has since been removed in letter, and even in spirit, from official commemorations of the day, radical forces have held onto it in their fight against capitalism
A new dossier by the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research examines the impact of years of neoliberal policies on the Indian working class and the long struggle by workers across sectors to protect their basic rights
El estado de Iowa acaba de aprobar uno de los proyectos de ley a favor del trabajo infantil más extremos de los últimos tiempos, que deja a los empresarios libres de responsabilidad si un niño trabajador muere cumpliendo sus labores
Iowa just passed one of the most extreme pro-child labor bills in recent times, leaving employers off the hook if a child worker dies on the job
Workers of international fast food chain McDonald’s in Serbia accuse the company’s management of exploitation due to low wages, poor working conditions, long shifts, arbitrary transfers, insults and abuses
A Hyundai subsidiary used up to fifty underage migrant workers at an auto plant known for hazardous conditions, according to former and current employees
The National Union of Metalworkers of South Africa (NUMSA) went on strike at the Impala Platinum mines in Rustenburg this week. Among the key demands raised by the workers is an end to exploitation by labor contractors