General Confederation of Labour
France pension reforms Massive workers’ protest in France denouncing Macron’s pension reforms

With the new pension reforms, the French president Emmanuel Macron wants to introduce a centralized points-based pension system, integrating into one, the current 42 different pension systems for various professions in the country.

Trade unions, Yellow Vests protesters once again march in solidarity in France

Over 300,000 people are believed to have taken part in protests called for by major trade unions on March 19. Three days before the mobilization, the Yellow Vests marked the 18th consecutive week of their protest

Italian logistics workers plan stir on February 22

Logistics firms took disciplinary action against nearly 40 employees over the last month. While the court intervened in the case of 11 employees, the developments have highlighted the precarious situation of workers in the sector

Cacaolat workers' strike Workers in chocolate milk factory in Spain suspend strike after company agrees to demands

The workers launched an indefinite strike after the company insisted on retaining an extra work shift for the 2019 calendar

Unions in France have been protesting for months against Macron's attempts at gutting the welfare model French workers, students take to the streets against Macron’s ‘reforms’

As many as 300,000 protesters took part in marches called by trade unions and student associations, demanding an increase in wages, pensions, gender equality and an end to privatization