The United States continues its policy of unconditionally supporting Israel, but not without significant protest from below

Since October 7, Israel has consistently made unsubstantiated claims of atrocities committed by Hamas fighters. Uncritically repeated by the White House and western media outlets, these claims have worked to manufacture consent for Israel’s ongoing genocide in Gaza

La guerra de Israel contra los palestinos en Gaza ha cambiado toda la ecuación y ha paralizado el corredor económico India-Oriente Medio-Europa. Ahora es inconcebible que Arabia Saudita y los Emiratos Árabes Unidos inicien un proyecto de este tipo con los israelíes.

Israel’s war on the Palestinians in Gaza has changed the entire equation and stalled the India-Middle East-Europe Economic Corridor. It is now inconceivable for Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates to enter such a project with the Israelis

The information shared by Wikileaks has strengthened the resistance against repressive governments by exposing the gaps between their actions and their carefully crafted narratives

The information war now conducted by the US against China centers on Xinjiang. Once again, the US uses longstanding problems—such as the rise of extremism in Central Asia (fueled to some extent by the US since the 1980s)—to create problems for its adversaries

The US government’s information warfare against China has produced the “fact” that there is genocide in Xinjiang. Once this has been established, it helps develop diplomatic and economic warfare

With the US set to hold the most significant elections in recent history, Claudia de la Cruz analyzes the possible outcomes and opportunities

The Center for Responsive Politics estimates that the current election cycle will consume some $11 billion, which is way more than any other US election cycle even after adjusting for inflation

The viciousness of the persecution of Julian Assange and WikiLeaks stems from their consistent success in exposing the lies of imperialism and destroying the claims of the West to stand for the good of all