April 9 marks 76 years since the assassination of Gaitán, considered the beginning of the long social and armed conflict that continues to take lives in Colombia today

The sixth cycle of talks was held in Havana, Cuba and further advanced the commitment of the two parts towards lasting peace

In this round, the negotiating parties seek to reach an agreement on the possibility of establishing a bilateral ceasefire

Interior Minister Alfonso Prada reported that the protection plan will cover the 65 municipalities hardest hit by violence in the country

According to the Institute of Development and Peace Studies (INDEPAZ), 20 citizens were murdered in six massacres in the past 10 days. Five social leaders and five ex-combatants were also assassinated in the same period

According to INDEPAZ, so far in 2022, 99 social activists and 22 ex-combatants were assassinated in Colombia, in addition to over 180 people killed in 51 massacres

Edison Gómez Ortizmo’s Murui Indigenous community had been warned by armed groups against participating in last week’s presidential election in Colombia

According to INDEPAZ, in addition to the assassination of 64 social activists and 18 ex-combatants, 37 massacres have also been recorded in the first four months of this year

In addition to the presidential candidate Gustavo Petro and the vice-presidential candidate Francia Márquez, 18 other political and social leaders, associated with the left-wing Historic Pact coalition, were also threatened

The Historic Pact presidential ticket with Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez is favored to win the upcoming presidential elections in Colombia, according to latest opinion polls

According to the Institute of Development and Peace Studies (INDEPAZ), during the past week, five social activists and two former combatants of the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) guerilla group were assassinated in the country

Today we look at the Millennium Challenge Corporation pact ratified by Nepal, racism against African refugees trying to flee the war in Ukraine, and more