The NSEU is making history in organizing the first ever mass actions in the 55 year history of the world’s largest memory chip maker

Activists from trade unions, left political parties, and civil society groups called on the South Korean government to stop arming Israel

The “yellow envelope bill” is an outcome of years of labor mobilizations demanding reforms of existing labor laws, in the aftermath of workers suppression in the SsangYong Motors strike of 2009

The management of Seoul Metro has used losses over the past few years as a reason behind laying off over 2,200 workers, while trade unions argue it will affect safety standards

The Korean Health and Medical Workers’ Union is preparing to launch a nationwide strike from July 13 as government continues to ignore grievances concerning staffing and pay. The unions expects approximately 45,000 health workers in 145 workplaces to join the strike

En una escalada de persecución antisindical en Corea del Sur, la Confederación Coreana de Sindicatos (KCTU) fue objeto de una redada por parte del Servicio Nacional de Inteligencia, acusada de violar una ley de seguridad nacional de la época de la Guerra Fría.

In a major escalation of the ongoing anti-trade union persecution in South Korea, the Korean Confederation of Trade Unions (KCTU) was raided by the National Intelligence Service on charges of violating a Cold War-era national security law

The nationwide truck drivers’ strike completed 10 days on December 3, despite back-to-work orders and further strike-busting threats from the conservative Yoon Suk-yeol government

As the mainstream parties offer competing visions for South Korea’s future, the fractured progressive left finds itself without real influence.

Today we look at the 2022 People’s Rally against inequality in South Korea, the killing of 23 year old Ashling Murphy in Ireland, and more

Today we look at violence against anti-coup protestors in Sudan, a court order allowing C.N. rail to pursue private prosecution of Indigenous activists, and more

Today we look at the strike for secure work and public services in South Korea, the TPLF’s advances in Ethiopia and airstrikes by the government, and more