Lobbies give ultra-processed food corporates new avenues to influence food policy

New research illustrates the complex web of ultra-processed food (UPF) producers and influence groups, and their influence on food and health policy making worldwide

Brazil to support stricter global regulation of infant formula marketing

Despite strong national policies supporting breastfeeding, Brazil faces challenges from infant formula producers seeking to dominate the field of child nutrition. One forthcoming step is to support a WHO resolution for regulating digital marketing

Baby formula prices and production practices impact availability

Persistent issues in baby formula production and pricing continue to impact families. As prices rise, carers are struggling to feed infants in many parts of the Global North

Racism and death at Carrefour are the tip of the iceberg involving multinationals

Racism and death at Carrefour are the tip of the iceberg involving multinationals

Nestlé may sell its bottled water brands in the US and Canada – what is behind this maneuver?

Franklin Frederick inspects the motives behind Nestlés move to sell bottled water brands in North America and the company’s track record of environmental violations

Mexican coffee farmers reject government’s deal with Nestlé

“Nestlé has always controlled the prices of coffee and have exploited coffee producers not just in Mexico but at a global level, for decades”