So far, 900,000 people have been returned to Venezuela through the “Return to the Homeland” initiative.

The investigation, which began several years earlier, is supported by reports that the Donald Trump administration has disclosed regarding USAID funding to several non-governmental organizations.

The meeting proposed a stronger defense of deported migrants, their reintegration to their countries of origin, and the expansion of joint strategies to face the onslaught from foreign powers.

Peoples Dispatch spoke to people in Venezuela about US attacks, the right-wing opposition, and their opinion on the July 28 elections.

Álvaro Uribe, former Colombian president, calls for military invasion of Venezuela. President Maduro challenges him to lead the war himself.

The attack on the diplomatic premises with a molotov cocktail left no injuries. The Venezuelan foreign minister blames the attack on “fascism”.

On January 10, at the National Assembly of Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro Moro was sworn in as the head of state for the next six years.

Two thousand international guests from 102 countries are in Caracas and will attend the inauguration of the reelected president

Nicolás Maduro, reelegido el 28 de julio para la presidencia de Venezuela, jurará su cargo el 10 de enero, mientras la oposición de derechas lanza un nuevo intento de desestabilización.

Nicolás Maduro who was reelected on July 28 to the presidency of Venezuela will be sworn in on January 10 as the right-wing opposition launches a fresh destabilization attempt.

Venezuelan opposition leader Edmundo González is touring Latin America and the US, meeting with right-wing leaders in an effort to delegitimize Nicolás Maduro’s upcoming inauguration.

ALBA-TCP was founded in 2004 in an attempt to counter the US proposal of creating a “free trade zone of the Americas”