peasant rights
Tanzania farmers Tanzanian farmers mobilize for agroecology, food sovereignty and Pan-Africanism

On November 17-18, over 400 smallholder farmers gathered for the 27th annual meeting of MVIWATA or the National Network of Small-Scale Farmers Groups in Tanzania. Peoples Dispatch spoke to them about their struggle for dignity and justice

Paraguayans wage struggle against Abdo’s anti-people policies

Since Monday, doctors, Indigenous people, peasants and teachers have been mobilizing against different policies of president Mario Abdo Benítez’s government

International day of peasant struggle: Peasant rights and COVID-19

Pramesh Pokharel of La Via Campesina discusses how the fight for peasant rights and land reform becomes even more vital amid the COVID-19 pandemic

MST in Paraná mobilizes for land, life and dignity

The landless rural workers are protesting their potential eviction from the camps they have been inhabiting for the past 20 years and where they live, work, produce and learn

Brazilian Military Police invade two MST camps

Two camps in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte were attacked by Military Police who tore down the flag of the MST and mounted bases

P-move_Thailand protest_SPFT [In Pictures] Thai peasants’ federations fight for democracy and land rights

The federations have come together under the banner of ‘People’s Movement for a Just Society’, to demand an end to the killings of farmers and the witch-hunting of peasants’ organizations

Latin American rural organizations conclude VII Congress with call for resistance

Representatives from dozens of organizations met in Havana, Cuba for the VII Congress of the Latin American Coordinator of Rural Organizations

Peruvian peasants continue protests against Chinese mining firm

On March 28, leaders of over 38 peasant communities of the Challhuahuacho district of Cotabambas province in the Apurímac department of Peru began an indefinite strike in support of the protests carried out against the Chinese mining company, MMG Limited Las Bambas

After decades of farmers’ struggles, Pakistan army admits it does not own farm land

The Okara farmland’s cultivators have been seeking ownership rights over the land for two decades. The Pakistani army has met these demands with violence and arrests

Farmers march India Farmers flood the streets of New Delhi, India to demand their rights

Farmers in India are demanding a special session which will only discuss the plight of the farmers, and ways to address the severe agrarian crisis.