Planned Parenthood
US judges strike down States’ move to halt abortions during COVID-19 crisis
The administrations of Texas, Ohio, Alabama, Oklahoma and Iowa took steps to postpone or halt non-essential medical procedures, and included abortions in the category. This was under the pretext of making more facilities available for COVID-19 patients
Alabama Senate passes bill that almost completely bans abortion
The legislation makes the performance of abortion by any medical professional a class A felony, punishable by 10 to 99 years in prison
“Trump’s ‘conscience rules’ will further endanger vulnerable sections”
A new regulation which will allow health professionals, insurers and employers to refuse essential healthcare services that they feel will violate their religious and moral beliefs
US strong-arms UNSC into passing a weakened resolution on sexual violence
The US sought the removal of any references to sexual and reproductive healthcare services from the bill on the grounds that it would imply support for abortion