Reverend Doctor Martin Luther King Jr.
Thousands hit the streets across the US to defend voting rights

Around 20,000 people were estimated to have participated in the Make Good Trouble Rally, with dozens of other cities witnessing rallies and demonstrations

Poor People’s Campaign: Building people’s power amongst the poor in the United States

Shailly Gupta Barnes, campaign manager of the Poor People’s Campaign, talked to Peoples Dispatch about the rising inequality in the United States and the organizing and mobilizing activities being carried out by them to fight against this.

Black churches burnt down in suspected racist attacks raise USD 2 million in crowdfunding

The St. Mary Baptist Church, Greater Union Baptist Church and Mt. Pleasant Baptist Church, which are of historic significance of the Black community, were burnt down in Louisiana between March 26 and April 6 in what are believed to be racist attacks

White supremacist groups suspected of burning down historic social justice center

The Highlander Research and Education Center was founded in 1932 and has played a pivotal role in working-class, revolutionary movements in the south and across the US

We can’t miss this moment: Willie Baptist

Veteran organizer Willie Baptist reflects on the historical importance of this moment in the US and across the world, and the need to take strategic, coordinated action