Iran denies the regime change in Syria will have much impact on resistance groups, particularly Hezbollah, claiming they are independent to geographical constraints.

Vijay Prashad reflects on the latest developments in Syria and what they mean for the West Asia region

NewsClick’s Prabir Purkyastha analyzes the recent developments in West Asia, including discussions between countries which have long been hostile to each other. He also talks about the US response to these initiatives

Syria claims that economic recovery and improvements to public service delivery have been hindered by unilateral sanctions and military occupation imposed by the US and its allies

Idlib is the last remaining rebel-held region in the country, the liberation of which can lead to the end of the nine-year-long war in Syria

In this explainer, we take a look at the fresh evidence that has emerged in the Syrian ‘chemical attack’ case that points to the fact that the Syrian government did not carry out any attack.

The meeting hosted by the United Nations in Geneva also includes delegates from civil society groups and is backed by Russia, Turkey and Iran

We take a look at the situation in Syria in the aftermath of reports of death of Abu Bakr Al-Baghdadi of the Islamic State.

Newsclick’s Prabir Purkayastha talks about the developments in Syria as Turkish forces continue their invasion.

With the Kurds left without allies, what are their options now? And what is the plan of action of the US? Watch to find out.

Refugees are facing increasing hostility by xenophobic movements in the country which have been growing in strength

The imperialist war in Syria has caused the world’s worst refugee crisis since World War II and has been made worse by the rise in xenophobia in many countries.