Both the leading candidates Trump and Harris have almost identical agendas of promoting US imperialist interests but equally fail to take note of significant shifts in global politics.

The Sindh Rawadari March was called by left groups in Pakistan’s Sindh province to demand control on rising religious extremism and accountability in the custodial killing of Dr. Shahnawaz Kunbhar last month.

The Left Democratic Front (LDF) formed by 10 progressive parties in Pakistan has been pushing a popular agenda to demand that major political parties shift their priorities and address the bread and butter issues of the people

Taimur Rahman of the Mazdoor Kisan Party explains the political crisis in Pakistan where massive protests have broken out following the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan. He explains the major players and how the situation is like to play out

More than 1,700 people have been killed in floods that continue to submerge parts of Pakistan. Amid this crisis, activists are demanding debt cancellation and climate reparations.

Taimur Rahman, General Secretary of the Mazdoor Kisan Party, analyzes the political situation in Pakistan after the assassination attempt on Imran Khan

Pakistan is reeling under the impact of catastrophic flooding which has been attributed to climate change and poor planning by successive governments. We bring you an explainer on the situation and an analysis by Taimur Rahman of the Mazdoor Kisan Party

At a discussion organized by Tricontinental: Institute of Social Research, panelists pointed out that peace in Afghanistan can only be guaranteed through regional reconciliation led by regional players, independent of interference from the West

The march comes in the background of the recent IMF bailout package which would lead to the cutting of crucial subsides for the country’s poor.

Laal had been in forefront of taking revolutionary music to masses in Pakistan.