Venezuela’s election is a referendum on revolution

Venezuela’s former foreign minister Jorge Arreaza said that the US intensified its attacks after Chávez’s death, attempting to end the Bolivarian Revolution

International Communication Conference of the Global South Media organizations from Global South discuss solidarity and standing up to sanctions

At an event in Shanghai, representatives of media organizations from Asia, Africa, and Latin America highlighted the need for learning from and working with each other and building infrastructure to resist western hegemony

Brazilians celebrate arrival of Venezuelan oxygen supplies to struggling Manaus

Following the collapse of the healthcare system in the Brazilian state of Amazonas, Venezuela has sent 130,000 liters of oxygen and a brigade of 107 doctors to help combat the pandemic

Protests against police brutality continue in Chile

For the third consecutive day, Chileans took to the streets demanding the resignation of the director general of the Carabineros Mario Rozas

Indignation following police killing of law student in Bogotá

Police pinned down law student and father of two Javier Ordóñez and tased him repeatedly early Wednesday morning

Due to US coercive measures, DirecTV’s operations suspended in Venezuela

The transmission of more than 300 TV and radio channels has been suspended, affecting the right to information of millions of Venezuelans

Long live teleSUR!

Political leaders, journalists and social organizations across Latin America and the Caribbean have condemned far-right Venezuelan opposition leader Juan Guaidó’s threats to seize the left-wing media outlet teleSUR

Juan Guaidó threatens attack against teleSUR

Telesur was founded in 2005 in a collaborative effort between Venezuela, Uruguay, Nicaragua, Cuba and Bolivia, as an alternative to mainstream media narratives

Guaidó and supporters storm Venezuelan Parliament building

Luis Parra was elected as the new president of the National Assembly of Venezuela on January 5 but former president Juan Guaidó has refused to recognize the vote