We talk about the beginning of the movement, what it is fighting for, the many challenges it faces, and the future of the movement.

Thousands took part in the weekly protests in cities across France. While these agitations have channelized popular anger against president Emmanuel Macron, they have not been able to develop a political project

Peoples Dispatch speaks to Anaïs Fley, national secretary of the Union of Communist Students in France, on the protests in the country over the past few months, the dangers of the policies of Emmanuel Macron and the role of the students and youth in transforming French society

Around 300,000 people took part in rallies and marches in 200 cities across the France. Around the same time, the French parliament passed an anti-hooliganism law that bars protesters from hiding their faces and gives local authorities the power to ban individual protesters

Reports say that the Disarm collective, a local group that campaigns against police violence, has counted 98 cases of serious injuries till now, including 15 cases of people losing an eye to rubber bullets

Belying claims by critics that the movement was weakening, 50,000 protesters took to the streets of France over the weekend. Their demands included constitutional reform to introduce referendums on various issues

As 2018 comes to a close, at People’s Dispatch, we take a look into various people’s movements and resistances across the globe.

At every level, the left is actively supporting the movement of the Yellow Vests, says Cyril Benoit of the Young Communists Movement of France, in an interview with Peoples Dispatch.

Organized working class movements are aiming to channelize the anger of the Yellow Vests agitation against the government in a coordinated way to obtain real social progress