Countdown to consensus: will the Pandemic Treaty deliver global health equity?

Negotiations surrounding the Pandemic Treaty continue as the deadline for endorsing the new mechanism approaches. However, the version under discussion fails to address critical issues pertaining to health equity

Art is the expression of our struggle

The April 2024 TriconArt Bulletin, explores how art becomes a collective expression of resistance in Palestine, and over the 40-year existence of the MST in Brazil.

Students stand with Palestine, Palestine stands with students

Fighting people across the world show support with the student movement in the US facing repression

Elites in the global north are scared to talk about Palestine

While people across the world have been taking bold action in support of Palestine, the global north ruling class has used all tools at its disposal to support Israel’s genocide and criminalize solidarity

Movements affirm that imperialism is in decline, but mass struggle more necessary than ever

Hundreds of members of trade unions, people’s movements, and left political parties from across the world gathered in the Venezuelan capital for the World Gathering for a Social Alternative

Vijay Prashad on hyper-imperialism

Vijay Prashad’s speech on hyper-imperialism given in Caracas, Venezuela at the World Gathering for An Alternative Social Agenda

Vijay Prashad: “Socialism or ruin”

Vijay Prashad spoke about the concept hyper imperialism and how the people of the world need to defeat it

International coordinated actions shut it down for Gaza

Across the United States, Australia, and the UK, Palestine solidarity activists took action on April 15 as part of global call to strike for Gaza

Demilitarization and peace sovereignty are foundations for global health, People’s Health Assembly concludes

Health activists attending the People’s Health Assembly called for peace and demilitarization as a means to Health for All

5th People’s Health Assembly calls for the transformation of health systems

Activists at the 5th People’s Health Assembly called for the transformation of health systems, and to build strategies and unite struggles against privatization and corporate capture

Silenced voices: intercultural perspectives in the prevention, preparation and response to pandemics

Indigenous peoples are not included in the current draft of WHO’s Pandemic Treaty, raising concern about their health and well-being in the case of new pandemics.

Violence against women is a public health crisis, say health activists

During its 5th edition, activists congregated at the People’s Health Assembly in Mar del Plata discussed the initiatives of the feminist movement to expand access to health for all