Nordic countries surrender their historic neutrality and sign military deals with the United States

In less than a month, the US has signed three separate defense agreements with countries like Sweden, Finland, and Denmark, to ramp up the militarization in the Nordic region

Finnish Left slams government’s decommunization attempts in the name of anti-discrimination

The government has been widely criticized for defending two ministers in the right-wing coalition with a history of making racist comments and for trying to use a recently announced anti-discrimination drive to ban communist symbols

Finland joins NATO
Finland becomes 31st NATO member, Russia warns of escalation 

Despite Russia raising its national security concerns, the Cold War-era, US-led military alliance has consistently expanded around its borders since 1990

Communist Party of Finland
Communists in Finland gear up for general elections

The parliamentary elections are being held as Finland sheds its traditional neutrality and seeks to join NATO. The communists in the country have opposed the move

Anti-NATO Protest - Finland 1
Progressives continue to protest Finnish bid for NATO membership 

Protests are also ongoing in various other parts of Europe, including in Italy, Greece, Norway and Czech Republic, against new military deals

Sweden Finland NATO bid
Finland and Sweden’s NATO bids raise fears of further militarization

Left-wing groups have warned that the move will only serve to escalate tensions and draw Finland and Sweden into the strategic plans of NATO dominated by the US 

NATO - Finland Sweden
Communists urge Finland and Sweden to maintain neutrality instead of joining NATO 

Mainstream political sections in Finland and Sweden are persuading their respective governments to join NATO by fanning up the Russophobia that has been exacerbated by the ongoing war in Ukraine

25,000 Finnish health workers set to begin strike on April 1

Worker’s unions in Finland’s social and health care services demand immediate staff recruitments and pay increase

Workers in Helsinki protest plans to corporatize public transport

The board of the Helsinki City Transport has approved the proposal to turn it into a limited liability company. Workers are worried that the company may be privatized and their jobs will be at risk

Baghdad Conference: A step towards a post-US regional arrangement

The Conference on Partnership and Cooperation in Baghdad was attended by most of the major regional players, including Iran, Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Egypt. French president Emmanuel Macron was also present in the meeting

‘The Communist Party of Finland offers a radical, class-conscious alternative’

JP Väisänen, chairman of the Communist Party of Finland, speaks to Peoples Dispatch about the efforts of the party to mobilize and grow under the pandemic and its strategic vision for achieving structural change in the country

Interview-Communist Party Finland
‘Finland must break away from the EU’s common security and defense policy’

J.P. Väisänen, chairman of the Communist Party of Finland (SKP), talks about the policies of the government of Sanna Marin at the time of the pandemic, as well as its foreign policies