anti-China aggression
How Australia helps the US destabilize Asia

As the US ramps up its Cold War against China, Australia has been one of its key partners in increasing pressure, despite its strong economic links with China.

La OTAN acelera su conflicto con China

Poco después de que las tropas rusas entraran en Ucrania, Wang Wenbin, del Ministerio de Asuntos Exteriores de China, dijo que “la soberanía y la integridad territorial de todos los países deben ser respetadas y defendidas”. Esto es precisamente lo contrario de animar a la guerra

Kamala Harris vist Philippines “Harris Imperialist!”: Filipino movements criticize US Vice President’s visit 

The three-day visit to the archipelago included an unprecedented visit to Palawan, an island close to the South China Sea dispute, and promises of military aid to the Marcos administration

US continues provocation game with China over Taiwan

Eugene Puryear of BreakThrough News talks about the latest US provocations against China in the context of the political and economic ties between the two countries

Washington watches as China and Latin America deepen their ties

Foreign policy experts in the US have alerted to the growing economic relationship between Latin America and China, a trend only expected to increase in the coming period

US and NATO are threats to global peace

US revamps transatlanticism with Allies and NATO-led militarism in a new Cold War against China

2021: A year of US warmongering against China

The Biden administration continues to heat up the new Cold War with bellicose threat, unfounded accusations, and fulfilled promises of a more multilateral approach against China

U.S. appeal to extradite Julian Assange upheld by UK High Court and other stories

Today we look at the UK High Court ruling allowing Julian Assange’s extradition to the US, the re-establishment of diplomatic ties between China and Nicaragua, and more

The US gathers allies against China in “Summit for Democracy”

Researchers say the event organized by Biden aims to isolate Russia and China

China, U.S. discuss cooperation and communication in virtual meet and other stories

Today we look at the virtual summit between Xi Jinping and Joe Biden, the condition of migrants at the Poland-Belarus border, and more

Activists denounce AUKUS alliance as a possible new Cold War and other stories

Today we look at the military pact between Australia, the US, and the UK; sanctions imposed against Guinea’s military junta; and more

Bush Obama 9/11 How can the US wake up from its post-9/11 nightmare?

The only hope for the future is to abandon the futile quest for hegemony and instead commit to peace, cooperative diplomacy, international law, and disarmament.