63% of Brazilians are against amnesty for January 8th coup plotters

Even among Bolsonaro voters, the majority of the population is in favor of punishing those responsible for the riots in Brasília

Will Bolsonaro be brought to justice for his role in the January 8 coup attempt?

On Thursday, February 8, the Federal Police carried out an operation that shook the Brazilian political scene

João Pedro Stedile does not fear parliamentary investigation into MST

Ahead of his testimony, the Landless Rural Workers’ Movement leader said he regrets the outcome of the commission so far

Ahead of its 40th anniversary, MST releases Letter to Brazilian people

Following its national coordination meeting, the MST reaffirms its commitment against oppression and in defense of food security

The role of the Brazilian military in the coup attempt

Members of the military are being investigated as part of the investigation into the January 8 invasion by Bolsonaristas in Brasilia

Un ataque criminal a la democracia: Por qué no debe haber amnistía para los fascistas brasileños

De toda la algarabía que resonó en la marea roja que se apoderó de la toma de posesión de Lula como Presidente de Brasil, lo más significativo fue el llamamiento a la “no amnistía”

La extrema derecha brasileña: un cliché político

Las consignas que invadieron Brasilia el 8 de enero eran menos sobre Bolsonaro y más sobre el odio que se siente por Lula y su gobierno pro-pueblo

Brazil’s Supreme Court orders suspension of Bolsonarista road blockades

Supporters of outgoing Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro set up over 300 road blockades on October 31. The far-right leader has isolated himself since Sunday and has remained completely silent since his defeat

“There are not two Brazils. We are one people, one nation,” says Lula in speech

In the first speech following his victory, Lula called for the unification of Brazil to build a democracy that fights inequality

João Paulo Rodrigues: “Brazil has a great responsibility in Latin America”

The national leader of the Landless Rural Workers’ Movement spoke about the main issues surrounding the upcoming elections in Brazil