This follows the Special Jurisdiction for Peace from 2022 determining that during the genocide perpetrated against the party, nearly 6,000 people were murdered or disappeared

Today we look at a public hearing in Colombia’s False Positives scandal, acute food insecurity and drought in the Horn of Africa, and more

The International Mission that visited Colombia during the National Strike, concluded that the State should be investigated for various crimes and systematic violation of human rights.

The levels of violence in Colombia have not abated in 2021. In one day, two massacres were carried out and 2 leaders were assassinated

The nationwide protest is being carried out in rejection police brutality, economic crisis, massacres and the indifference of the national government towards them

The agreements between the FARC party and the Colombian national government are the outcome of the Pilgrimage for Life and Peace, made by hundreds of ex-combatants demanding compliance with peace accords

Meanwhile, four indigenous leaders were killed in other parts of the country as mobilizations took place in Bogotá.

The organizations of the Social Minga are demanding protection for social leaders, right to defend their land, right to democracy and the construction of peace in the country

Colombian social leader Milena Ochoa analyses the past two years of Iván Duque’s government and explains how its functioning has been completely in favor of big business, landowners, paramilitaries and the corrupt

Colombian movements marched for days to reignite hope and continue putting pressure on the government to take action to protect the people of the country amid the an onslaught of violence and the public health crisis

Interview with Major Pablo Beltrán, member of the Central Command of the ELN National Liberation Army, and head of its peace delegation.

While the Colombian government may lend itself to US plots against Venezuela, the Colombian people ratify their support to the government and people of Venezuela and condemn their government for ignoring pressing issues at home