Trade unions and left groups in France have escalated protests against the unpopular pension reforms which were passed recently by the government
To understand more about the movement against pension reform in France, we spoke to Ramon Vila, the secretary of the trade union SUD Santé-Sociaux.
Around 2 million people took part in mobilizations held in over 250 locations across France on February 7 even as the parliament was debating the deeply unpopular pension reform
Sofian Nejjari of Mouvement Jeunes communistes de France, a communist youth organization, talks about the protests against the Global Security Bill, the repression unleashed against the protesters and the impact of the policies of the Macron government
On March 3, the French government invoked article 49.3 of the constitution to bypass parliament and approve the pension reforms proposed by Macron. Workers’ unions have been protesting for months against the reform that will affect their benefits
The French government announced it would keep the retirement age at 62, but major unions in the country have called for massive mobilizations on 14, 15 and 16 January, to demand a complete rollback of the controversial pension reforms
The controversial reforms proposed by the Emmanuel Macron-led French government will introduce a grade point system for ascertaining pension amounts, besides raising the retirement age required to avail pension benefits to 64
The Yellow Vests movement, which started in France on November 17, 2018, is set to observe its first anniversary. Since its inception, the movement has conducted weekly protests on Saturday