Activists from across Latin America and the world marched on Friday November 30 to reject the G20 Summit which brings together and celebrates the most powerful and divisive leaders of the world and their anti-people policies
A host of activities have been planned to highlight altrernatives to the neoliberal model proposed by the G20 and international finance
The protests against the gathering of global leaders provides an opportunity to develop political platforms that can mount a more sustained resistance to the neoliberal agenda
Left-wing academics and politicians from across the world spoke at the forum, which served as the official opening to the 8th edition of the Latin American and Caribbean Conference of Social Sciences (CLACSO)
The return of IMF ‘oversight’ over Argentina’s economy means sharp cuts in social security, wage stagnation, crackdowns on protesters and left-wing politicians, and huge profits for finance capital. A new dossier by Tricontinental: Institute for Social Research looks at the crisis and the possibilities of resistance
The bill permitting the entry of troops to ‘protect’ US president Donal Trump was passed in the Uruguayan Senate on November 13. Unions and civil society groups said that the move would compromise national sovereignty
As Argentina prepares to host the G20 heads of state summit, it stares at a long period of social and economic crises that are likely to be the byproducts of IMF-dictated austerity policies implemented by president Mauricio Macri