Guantanamo Bay
Trump announces Guantánamo Bay base expansion to detain up to 30,000 migrants

The project has caused indignation in Cuba, which claims sovereignty over the Guantánamo Base, occupied more than 100 years ago by the US military.

Mainstream media reignites “Chinese Spy Base” accusations against Cuba

US corporate media giant The Wall Street Journal has once again leveled accusations that Cuba is hosting Chinese spy bases

Cuba condemns ongoing US occupation of Guantanamo Bay

Since 1898, the US has controlled the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, an “illegally occupied” “usurped territory” according to Cubans

Guantanamo Bay UN expert demands immediate shutting down of Guantanamo prison, apology to inmates 

UN special rapporteur Fionnuala Ní Aoláin, the first such expert who was allowed to visit the infamous Guantanamo Bay prison in over 20 years, noted that US’ treatment of detainees was “cruel, inhuman and degrading”

Daily Round-up | UN report reveals major setbacks in maternal health & other stories

In today’s episode, we bring you stories of alarming numbers from a UN report on maternal health indicators, the findings of a committee on the 2020 Delhi violence, and the release of two Pakistani men from Guantanamo Bay

Guantanamo Bay Pakistani brothers finally leave Guantanamo Bay after 20 years without charge or trial

Hundreds of detainees have been incarcerated for years in the notorious American detention center in Cuba without any formal charges, and allegedly faced various forms of mental and physical torture 

Daily Round-up | Sudan, Israel to sign formal peace treaty & other stories

In today’s episode, we bring you stories of developments in the normalization of ties between Sudan and Israel, the condemnation of war-mongering by the US, a summit between Spain and Morocco, and the resettlement of a Guantanamo Bay detainee

The roar of a US warplane over a civilian Irish airport

For almost two decades, activists have waged an inspiring struggle against the use of the Shannon airport in Ireland by the US military. How does a government allow the military to use a civilian airport, they ask

Daily Round-up | in Puerto Rico over unreliable electricity supply & other stories

In today’s episode, we bring you stories from protests in Puerto Rico, the election of a president in Sri Lanka, the release of a detainee from Guantanamo Bay, and COVID-19 vaccine inequality

Demand to release Assange echoes across the world

Assange has been imprisoned in Belmarsh Prison since 2019, while the United States government has been waging a legal battle to fight for his extradition.

Vijay Prashad: “War itself is a crime”

Vijay Prashad delivers a moving address on the horrors of war, hunger and the necessity of fighting for peace for all