In addition to the Senkata massacre, Montero is also being investigated for the massacre in Sacaba city in the Cochabamba department on November 15, 2019

Six activists launched a strike on March 29 in Washington DC, demanding an end to the US-supported blockade of Yemen led by Saudi Arabia. A National Day of Fasting will also be observed on Thursday

34 members of two Yemeni families were killed in six drone strikes and one special operations raid conducted by the US military between 2013 to 2018. In total, the seven US military operations led to 48 deaths, including 17 children

The newly elected MAS government has opened investigations against several former officials of the de facto government for their role in crimes committed during their one year tenure after the coup détat ágainst former president Evo Morales

The Guatemalan national police brutally repressed a peaceful demonstration, on November 21, against corruption and president Alejandro Giammattei

22-year-old Facundo Astudillio Castro has been missing since April 30 and evidence points to involvement of Buenos Aires police in his disappearance

Two and a half months after the disappearance of Facundo Astudillo, the justice investigates a possible forced disappearance and international organizations like the UN are pressuring the Argentine state to give responses

What the government of Iván Duque is doing in Colombia is what the interim government of Jeanine Áñez is doing in Bolivia — using extreme state violence against trade unionists and peasant organizers, against socialist leaders and indigenous leaders