Israeli forces continued with attacks on the al-Amal and Nasser hospitals. Meanwhile, aid agencies and political leaders from across the world have warned against the escalation of the attack on Rafah

Pandor has reported receiving threats against her and her children and has alleged involvement of Israeli intelligence

El fallo de la CIJ sobre el caso de Sudáfrica contra Israel marcó una victoria crucial para el movimiento de solidaridad palestina y expuso los crímenes de guerra de Israel para que todo el mundo los viera.

The ICJ ruling on South Africa’s case against Israel marked a crucial victory for the Palestine solidarity movement and laid out Israel’s war crimes for the whole world to see

South Africa issued a formal reprimand to the Israeli ambassador on November 10, days after recalling its diplomats from Tel Aviv. With US lawmakers now threatening to downgrade trade ties with Pretoria, South African workers remain steadfast in their solidarity with the Palestinian people

The South African government is also considering action against the Israeli ambassador over his disrespectful and derogatory remarks about the government and people of the country

Mientras Sudáfrica demanda una investigación de la CPI sobre los crímenes de guerra israelíes, voces de todo el país exigen que se tomen medidas, incluida la ruptura de lazos con Israel.

Naledi Pandor calls upon progressive organizations to come together and build solidarity at the III International Dilemmas of Humanity Conference.

The Minister of Foreign Affairs of South Africa spoke in the first day of the III International Dilemmas of Humanity Conference and called for progressive organizations to unite and intensify international solidarity

La situación actual en Palestina fue tema central en la apertura de la III Conferencia Internacional Dilemas de la Humanidad en Johannesburgo

The current situation in Palestine was central to the opening panel of the III International Conference Dilemmas of Humanity in Johannesburg.