National Campign for the Right to Legal Safe and Free Abortion
Thousands hold vigil outside Argentine Congress during the vote on abortion bill

This Friday, the Chamber of Deputies will vote on the IVE bill that legalizes abortion in Argentina, a right that hundreds of thousands of women have been demanding for decades

The struggle for legal, safe and free abortion across Latin America

Feminists across the continent have been mobilizing to change the draconian and repressive laws that inhibit access to legal, safe and free abortion

“It was not Legal Termination of Pregnancy, it was a torture”

Argentines are demanding the resignation of health minister and political trail against governor of the province of Jujuy for violating the rights of a 12 years old rape victim

Misoprostol sale approved in Argentina

The National Administration for Medicines, Food and Technology of Argentina approved the sale of Misoprostol in pharmacies a drug which can be taken to induce abortion

“The feminist struggle has no boundaries”

In the aftermath of one of the biggest feminist mobilizations in history for the access to safe abortion in Argentina, Celeste Mac Dougall of the campaign reflects on the way ahead

Deaths from clandestine abortion shake Argentina

#TheSenateIsResponsible trended on social media as activists and citizens condemned the Senate which on August 8 had voted down the Voluntarily Interruption of Pregnancy Bill

Argentine Senate rejects safe abortion bill; activists say struggle will continue

The vote occurred even as over 1.5 million people mobilized in front of Congress demanding “Legal abortion now!” Gatherings also took place around the world

Feminist victory in Argentina: House of Representatives passes law decriminalizing abortion

After 30 years of campaigning, the decriminalization of abortion is close to becoming a reality