The NPP will have to tap into the insurgent multipolar movement in the Global South in order to build a united front against debt and imperialism

A new dossier by the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research and Cuba’s Center for International Policy Research examines the decline of the US-led “rules-based international order” in favor of a decided shift towards regionalism and internationalism

The keyword in the Samarkand Declaration seemed to be “mutual”: mutual respect, mutual trust, mutual consultation, and mutual benefit. It harks back to the Bandung Spirit with an emphasis on sovereignty and equality

As countries in the Global North push to escalate the war in Ukraine, the Global South has overwhelmingly pushed for a perspective of dialogue and peace. Roger McKenzie and Vijay Prashad reflect on the need to create a fresh Non-Aligned Movement

Newsclick’s Editor-in-Chief Prabir Purkayastha talks about the history and legacy of the Non-Aligned movement which marks 60 years

The decision comes amid escalating tensions over many issues between the two countries, including Western Sahara, Morocco’s relations and support for Israel, and Morocco’s alleged backing of Algerian separatist groups

In honor of Fidel Castro’s birthday, Vijay Prashad writes about his legacy for the peoples of the Third World and his clarity in raising the primary crises facing humanity

During the 74th session of World Health Assembly, several countries emphasized the need to end unilateral coercive measures which end up serving as a collective punishment by restricting access to basic necessities

Is this not the time for the imperialist bloc, led by the United States of America, to end the sanctions against Cuba, Iran, Venezuela, and a series of other countries?