Peoples’ Democratic Party (HDP)
Turkey elections Erdoğan upsets opposition hopes of victory, run-off with Kılıçdaroğlu expected in Turkey’s presidential race

The incumbent People’s Alliance led by the Justice and Development Party (AKP) secured a majority with close to 50% of all votes and 321 seats in the 600-seat parliament. For the post of president, a run-off will most likely be held two weeks from now as neither Recep Tayyib Erdoğan nor Kemal Kılıçdaroğluere was able to secure 50%+1 votes

In Turkish elections, will unprecedented legitimacy crisis bring down Recep Tayyip Erdogan?

Anıl Çınar of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of Turkey explains the economic woes facing the Turkish people and the strategies of the capitalists over the years, and also talks about the role of Erdogan in these strategies.

Turkey’s crucial elections are set to go down to the wire

The majority of left parties are backing opposition candidate Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu as president against incumbent Recep Tayyip Erdoğan, who is facing his toughest elections in the last two decades

Turkish elections Center-left Kemal Kılıçdaroğlu will be opposition coalition’s joint candidate against Erdoğan in Turkey’s upcoming presidential elections 

The pro-Kurdish HDP has expressed its willingness to extend conditional support to Kılıçdaroğlu, who is the leader of the the Turkish parliament’s second largest party, the CHP 

Turkish elections (1) Turkish elections to be held on May 14, Erdoğan faces a tough challenge

The upcoming elections are set to be the biggest challenge for President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan with polls showing that the opposition has a slight advantage.

Daily Round-up | UNSC urges maintaining of status quo in Al-Aqsa & other stories

In today’s episode, we bring you stories of the UN Security Council discussion on Al Aqsa, a report on melting of glaciers, a ban on the funding of the HDP party in Turkey, and Brazil rejoining CELAC

HDP Turkey Turkish court suspends public funding to left-wing HDP, the third-largest party in parliament 

The move is being seen as part of the larger political persecution unleashed by Erdoğan’s government, which is likely to face a stiff challenge in the upcoming national elections

Attack on Kurds in Paris Protests continue in Paris denouncing terrorist attack on Kurds in the city

Last week, an armed racist opened fire at a Kurdish cultural center in Paris, killing three people, including a women’s group leader and a Kurdish singer, and wounding several others

British journalist speaks out on detention en route to cover the elections in Nicaragua

The three day detention of Steve Sweeney, the only journalist from Britain’s media who was due to cover Nicaragua’s election, is part of the multi-pronged campaign to subvert the country’s self-determination

What is happening in Turkey?

Despite the announcements from the Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdoğan that “everything is under control”, Turkey is experiencing one of the deepest crises in recent years. A conversation with Hasan Durkal.

Syrian refugees in Turkey attacked Mob attacks Syrian refugees in Turkey 

The presence of around 3.6 million Syrian refugees in Turkey has often been used by right-wing groups to incite racial hatred and mobilize support for themselves

Trial of Turkish opposition leaders postponed till May 3

The trial of Selahattin Demirtas along with 107 other members of the third largest party in Turkey, HDP, over a 2014 protest has been criticized as political vendetta against the opposition groups by the Erdogan government.