An Ecuadorian judge ordered Iza’s release and imposed alternative measures to preventive detention, such as prohibiting him from leaving the country and periodically appearing before Cotopaxi’s Attorney General’s Office

Iza’s arrest came after the first day of an indefinite national strike, called by CONAIE among other Indigenous and peasant organizations against the neoliberal economic policies of President Guillermo Lasso’s government, was a success

Thousands of Ecuadorians have taken to the streets across the country in rejection of a recent increase in fuel prices, which far exceeds the current prices in the world market. The protests are the largest anti-government protests in the five months of Lasso’s administration

Today we look at the strike for secure work and public services in South Korea, the TPLF’s advances in Ethiopia and airstrikes by the government, and more

The primary demands of the trade unions and social organizations include the immediate discontinuation of the neoliberal measure in force since last year, which increases the price of petrol and diesel on a monthly basis, and the cessation of privatization of strategic resources and sectors

Trade unions and social organizations demand annulment of presidential decrees that increase the price of petrol and diesel on a monthly basis, among other claims

For social movements, Lasso will be a continuation of the anti-people, pro-business policies introduced and imposed by his predecessor Lenín Moreno

A Special Commission for Truth and Justice was appointed to investigate the alleged human rights violations committed by the Ecuadorian state against protesters in October 2019. Juan Carlos Solines, a member of the commission, talks about its conclusions

María Paula Romo faced impeachment for failing to fulfill her duties during the national protest of October 2019

The Social Commitment Movement for the Citizen’s Revolution, led by former president Rafael Correa, rejected the decision and announced that it would take part and win the 2021 general elections

In less than 48 hours, three officials of President Lenin Moreno’s government have resigned

Designer Tings Chak spoke at length with Ecuadorian artist Pavel Égüez about revolutionary art, the crisis of capitalism and his series ‘Cuarentena’ which seeks to address the human suffering provoked by the COVID-19 pandemic