Over 250 delegates from across Latin America, the Caribbean and the world are participating in the third assembly of the platform of people’s movements

The heavy-handed response of the Ecuadorian police and military to the massive mobilizations in the country has already cost eight lives with hundreds suffering grave injuries

12 member states of the Organization of American States approved the activation of the Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance against Venezuela

On July 27 in Barinas, Venezuela, six activists belonging to the movement La Corriente Revolucionaria Bolívar y Zamora (CRBZ) were shot and killed by unidentified gunmen.

Four social leaders have been killed last week. Organizations across Colombia have condemned the government of president Iván Duque for the lack of security measures that guarantee protection to social leaders

The Armed Forces of Venezuela have reiterated their support for democratically-elected President Nicolás Maduro, while Trump intensifies threats

President Nicolás Maduro will begin his second term tomorrow January 10, though the US and their allies have vowed to not recognize his government

The government announced a 20% increase in the price of extra premium petrol and diesel, as well as a discontinuation of over 25,000 public services in health, education and employment

Over 300 such murders have been reported since the signing of the peace agreement

By Lautaro Rivara for Notas Periodismo Popular

Gonzalo Armua of the Operative Secretary of Social Movements of ALBA discusses the victory of Nicolas Maduro

US, allies reject process in an attempt to isolate Venezuela further