Ursula Von der Leyen announces increased funding for EU armament and border control as she is confirmed for a second term as President of the European Commission

Las elecciones al Parlamento Europeo del mes pasado no significaron el avance definitivo de la extrema derecha como algunos podían temer. Sin embargo, están ganando influencia, sobre todo porque las líneas que las separan de las fuerzas del centro político se están difuminando. En consecuencia, habrá que mirar hacia la izquierda para frenar su auge.

The European elections held on Sunday June 9 consolidated the rightward trend in European politics, but the result has given important insights to the left

Millions of voters across Europe are preparing to elect new delegates to the European Parliament. The region is facing concerns over the rise of the extreme right and a new wave of austerity measures

While the world cries out in horror, Israel has doubled down on its bombing campaign and violent rhetoric against Palestinian people

The EU’s strategic interest is for Armenia and Azerbaijan to minimize Russian influence in Transcaucasia. With so many powerful geopolitical players involved in the Caucasus region, the situation is delicate

Tunisia will be the second country after Libya to play the role of border patrol to stop the inflow of migrants into European countries through the Mediterranean sea

The Workers’ Party of Tunisia and human rights groups have condemned an agreement between the government and European countries which seeks to end “irregular migration.” They say Tunisia will become a policeman for Europe and crack down on migrants

Russia has the capability to launch a “big arrow” offensive towards the Dnieper but the Kremlin’s preference is to continue to grind down the Ukrainian military — a strategy that proved cost-effective in human and material terms, productive, and sustainable. Depending on the trajectory of the Ukrainian offensive, Russia has the option to switch to a massive attack to pulverize the adversary

European Commission head Ursula von der Leyen’ statement referred to Israel as the promised land and equated its creation with freedom. The Palestinian Authority and activists across the world termed the statement racist and a defense of colonialism and apartheid

There is no more talk in Western media about destroying the Russian “war machinery” or an insurrection against the Kremlin and a regime change

The West’s “information war” and its distorted projection of the China-Russia relationship in the context of the Ukraine crisis, is fraught with consequences for the emerging world order