As countries in the Global North push to escalate the war in Ukraine, the Global South has overwhelmingly pushed for a perspective of dialogue and peace. Roger McKenzie and Vijay Prashad reflect on the need to create a fresh Non-Aligned Movement

Assange is being indicted in the US under the infamous Espionage Act and the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act. He faces a total 18 federal criminal charges, including espionage and cybercrimes, which together carry a maximum sentence of 175 years.

Vijay Prashad writes about how the United States has unilaterally increased its military buildup around China and has ramped up threatening rhetoric

17 years after the US-led invasion of Iraq, the consequences have lived up to the fears of all who opposed it. Millions of Iraqis were killed or wounded and millions more were displaced

Julian Assange and Chelsea Manning are being persecuted for speaking truth to power

If justice is to be sought, it is not at the level of someone like Edward Gallagher alone; it should be his superiors on the political side who need to answer questions about not just this or that war crime, but about the entire war and the crime of it all

We take a look into the drone massacres and how video gamers have been recruited by US forces to kill with a press of a button sitting thousands of miles away.

Along with being remanded to federal custody for an unspecified period, a federal judge has also imposed upon Chelsea Manning a fine of USD 500 per day after 30 days in custody, and USD 1,000 per day after 60 days to coerce a testimony out of her.

Michael Behenna was found guilty of murdering Ali Mansur Mohamed in 2008 and was subsequently sentenced to 25 years in prison by a military jury

Assange was arrested from the Ecuadorian embassy after the country withdrew the political asylum it had granted him in 2012. Assange, along with former US soldier and whistleblower Chelsea Elizabeth Manning, exposed American war crimes in Iraq and Afghanistan