The US once again vetoed a ceasefire resolution at the UN Security Council, enabling more Israeli attacks on the Gaza Strip

Israeli airstrikes on hospitals in Gaza have caused severe damages and many have been forced to shut down, putting thousands of patients and refugees at risk

As migrants continue to arrive in Chicago, the city struggles to provide adequate shelter and health care for the new arrivals

The government of Gustavo Petro and Francia Márquez has initiated an ambitious health reform in Colombia, which could make essential care more accessible to the people. Health activists from the WHO Watch program met with Dr. Jaime Urrego, Vice-Minister of Health of Colombia, to discuss its impacts.

The health reform bill seeks to transform the current system in Colombia. Amongst other things it calls for creating healthcare access points in each neighborhood and town of the country to ensure access to all citizens

El Día Mundial de la Salud de este año marcó el 75 aniversario de la OMS. Pero a medida que se acerca su asamblea anual en Ginebra, este organismo de la ONU sigue luchando por conseguir los recursos adecuados para funcionar con independencia del sector privado y de las presiones de los países de renta alta

Un intenso debate rodea la propuesta de reforma a la salud presentada por el gobierno de Gustavo Petro y Francia Márquez, mientras el negocio de los seguros privados de salud y los conservadores intentan bloquearla.

Medics for the People’s health center in Deurne, Antwerp, provides health care to thousands of people who would otherwise face financial barriers to access

The World Health Assembly is going to discuss topics of great relevance for our times, but in order to make necessary change the WHO must step up and recognize the fundamental issues plaguing global governance of health

A report by the Global Initiative for Economic, Social and Cultural Rights shines light on harmful effects of commercialization of health in Kenya among communities living in informal urban settlements