Cuban revolution
Art is the expression of our struggle

The April 2024 TriconArt Bulletin, explores how art becomes a collective expression of resistance in Palestine, and over the 40-year existence of the MST in Brazil.

Literacy for liberation: How the Socialist Party of Zambia is fighting illiteracy

Since 2021, over 4,000 people in rural and urban areas have become literate in Zambia’s official language, English, as a result of the Socialist Party’s program

Cuba: a historic friend of the Palestinian people

Cuban intellectual José Ernesto Novaez Guerrero reflects on the historical ties of solidarity between the Cuban and Palestinian people in the context of Israel’s ongoing war on Gaza

Iran and Cuba call for a global coalition to protect Palestinian rights

Cuba and Iran have also increased their bilateral cooperation to counter the effects of illegal unilateral measures imposed on them by the US.

Cuban embassy terrorist attack Cuban embassy in Washington DC faces another terrorist attack, activists express solidarity

An individual threw two Molotov cocktails at Cuba’s embassy in the US capital late on Sunday, the second such violent attack on the building since 2020. Havana has denounced the impunity enjoyed by ‘anti-Cuban’ groups as the US government continues to ratchet up unilateral and illegal measures against the island nation


Fidel no sólo sobrevivió a la furia de la dictadura de Batista, la lucha guerrillera y a más de 600 intentos de asesinato, sino que lideró un proceso revolucionario que, después de 60 años, sigue resistiendo y triunfando.


Fidel not only survived the fury of the Batista dictatorship, guerrilla war, and 600 assassination attempts, but led a revolutionary process which after 60 years, continues to resist and triumph

Moncada: the dawn of the Cuban Revolution

On the 70th anniversary of the attack on Moncada, Cuban intellectual José Ernesto Novaez Guerrero reflects on its historical significance.

Moncada: el asalto a la alborada

A los 70 años del asalto al Moncada, el intelectual cubano José Ernesto Novaez Guerrero refleja sobre su significado histórico

Cuba condemns ongoing US occupation of Guantanamo Bay

Since 1898, the US has controlled the Guantanamo Bay Naval Base, an “illegally occupied” “usurped territory” according to Cubans

The Amauta Mariátegui and the Commander Che

June 14 marks the birth of two crucial Latin American Marxist thinkers and revolutionaries: Ernesto Che Guevara and José Carlos Mariátegui

Remembering Harry Belafonte, artist, militant, and internationalist until his last breath

Harry Belafonte died at the age of 96 on April 25 after a lifetime of popularizing, funding, and supporting the struggles of the international working class