Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO)
Expertise, continuity, and political alignment: Mexican president-elect Claudia Sheinbaum shapes her incoming cabinet

Sheinbaum’s appointees are characterized by meritocracy, continuity from the previous administration, and loyalty to her and MORENA party.

Ceasefire “the only remaining hope” for Gazans, says UNRWA

Most international aid agencies have decried the non-implementation of last week’s watered-down UNSC resolution asking for increased humanitarian assistance to Gaza

FAO warns about true cost of corporate food systems

A new FAO report warns against the high hidden economic and health costs of the world’s food systems, adding up to around USD 12 trillion in PPP terms, which is about 10% of the global GDP. These costs involve environmental damage, contributing to social inequalities, and harming human health

FAO food security report Global hunger remains far above pre-pandemic levels, claims FAO

Asia and Africa continue to be the hotspots for global hunger while Latin American countries were able to reduce hunger significantly. Developed countries in North America and Europe also witnessed a slight rise in food insecurity in 2022

Afghanistan, Myanmar, and Pakistan are among global ‘Hunger Hotspots’

A report by the World Food Program identifies 18 hunger hotspots across 22 countries where acute food insecurity is expected to increase in the period from June to November 2023. 15.3 million people are at risk of high acute food insecurity in Afghanistan

US imposes fresh sanctions on Iran & other stories

In today’s episode, we bring you stories of fresh US sanctions on Iranian entities, the mounting crisis of global hunger, Israeli raids in the occupied West Bank, and a taxi drivers’ strike in Italy

Hundreds killed in wave of attacks in Sudan’s Darfur region and other stories

Today we look at recent armed violence in Sudan’s Darfur region, an agreement between a migrant caravan and the Mexican government, and more

Renewed protests mark anniversary of Chile’s 2019 ‘Estallido Social’ and other stories

Today we look at protests in Chile marking 2 years since the 2019 Social Outburst, the mercenaries identified in an assassination plot against Bolivian president Luis Arce, and more

Hunger in the world

Launch of the Hunger in the World PDF by seven independent media projects which features stories of hunger and the response of people’s movements in countries across the world

Workers in India go on strike for living wages and social protection and other stories

Today we look at a strike by government scheme workers in India, a violent eviction drive by police in the Indian state of Assam, and more

Sustainable food systems are possible outside corporate agriculture

The United Nations Food Systems Summit has become one of the most controversial events of this year due to corporate take over. Civil society activists came together during the pre-summit to register their protest