White supremacy
Yet another mass shooting in the US kills eight people, including three children

Shooter who espoused white supremacist and misogynistic views gunned down several people, killing nine and injuring 7, at a mall in Texas

Is the US legal system at war with its people?

Incarcerations, brutality, and torture are common in the US. Activists claim that this amounts to a war waged against racially marginalized, poor, and working-class people.

The system cannot be redeemed, it has to be destroyed

Black August is a month to honor those who have died or been imprisoned in the fight for Black liberation in the United States, and a reminder that despite grave setbacks, the struggle lives on.

Brazil’s youth are fighting for their lives

In Levante’s first national gathering since the onset of the pandemic, militants reaffirmed the necessity of grassroots organizing and fighting for a Brazil for all Brazilians

Massacre in Buffalo exposes rotten core of white supremacy in US

After a white supremacist shooter murdered 10 Black people in Buffalo, many have pointed to the institutionalized racism behind the attack

Who are the foreign fighters traveling to Ukraine? What we know and what we don’t

Many worry that the influx of allegedly 20,000 foreign fighters into Ukraine could exacerbate existing problems with far-right insurgency worldwide

India hate apps against minorities Weaponizing hate apps: Sulli Deals and Bulli Bai

Hindu supremacists caught using tech tools and social media to target minority women prove again that each supremacism may be uniquely exclusivist but it is always anti-women and communal

Right-wing vigilante found not guilty of murdering two anti-racist protestors

The most closely-watched murder trial in recent memory exemplifies the standard of cops and racists having a right to kill in the US

United States celebrates Juneteenth

The historical legacy of Juneteenth and why the struggle for the full emancipation of Black people in the US continues

Trump avoids conviction a second time

Several Republican legislators in both chambers of the US Congress have strongly condemned the former president’s attempts to undermine the results of the presidential election.

From rebellion to revolution

Eugene Puryear reflects on the context in the US of rebellion and the necessary questions facing the movement against police violence and for Black lives

Tear down the racist statues, end racist debt and pay for equalizing reparations

The cancellation of racist debt and the payment of reparations must be central demands in the anti-racist, anti-colonial and anti-imperialist struggle