Workers Party of Belgium
Belgians demand proper probe into death of Slovak national in 2018

Recently, footage was released of incidents in the cell in which Jozef Chovanec, a Slovak citizen, was kept shortly before he died. It showed police personnel pinning him down while laughing. One of the officers even makes a Nazi salute

Germain Mugemangango European court rules in favor of Belgian Workers’ Party legislator on electoral dispute

Germain Mugemangango of the Workers’ Party of Belgium, a legislator in the Walloon parliament, filed a case in the European Court of Human Rights on a 2014 election when his own competitors decided his appeal for a recount

Why are we having a go at the statues of Leopold II?

Onno Vandewalle writes about the movement in the country to pull down the statues of Leopold II, and examines the brutal history of colonization and exploitation in the Congo

On May Day, the working class in Europe resolved to defeat both COVID-19 and capitalism

Major trade unions and workers’ parties across Europe organized May Day events in public and online platforms adhering to safety protocols due to lockdown.

Around the world Ep 89_Argentina_Belgium_India Ep 89: Abortion rights in Argentina, and more..

We also report on the “March of Anger’ protest in Belgium, and Young India march in New Delhi.

Tens of thousands of Belgian workers march to defend social security

The march was called by the socialist trade union, General Confederation of Belgian Labor (ABVV/FGTB). The protesters demanded better pay and health coverage from the government

Workers’ Party of Belgium opposes sale of cable distribution company Voo

The Workers’ Party says that the sale of Voo to the American investment fund Providence would be a betrayal of the Belgians who invested their money in the cable distributor company

Belgium’s Workers Party pushes for a minimum pension law through Citizens’ Initiative Belgium’s Workers Party pushes for a minimum pension law through Citizens’ Initiative

As per the proposal, the minimum pension in Belgium will be EUR 1,500. This may be the first law to be brought about through a citizens’ initiative which allows the formation of a citizens’ committee and collection of signatures in support of legislative proposals

Tunisian elections As Tunisia goes to polls, the Popular Front presents an alternative

Seven million Tunisians vote in the second elections since the revolution of 2011. The elections take place amid the failure of major parties to confront the economic crisis facing the country

BELGIUM ELECTIONS Belgian elections: advantage the left, the right and the Greens

The center-right coalition government suffered reverses even as the left-wing Workers’ Party of Belgium and the Flemish-nationalist right-wing party, Vlaams Belang, made significant gains

Belgian workers take to the streets demanding rise in minimum wage

Three major trade unions representing around 4 million workers staged a strike on February 13. The workers alleged that the government had put a cap on wage hikes, leading to them losing out on benefits