A country of over 85 million people, Turkey has so far recorded more than 4.67 million COVID-19 cases with over 38, 000 deaths. More than a quarter of all infections have been reported after the beginning of April

Faulty COVID-19 infection estimates from Lombardy showing a higher rate of infections had prompted the Italian government to designate it as a ‘Red Zone’ and impose stricter lockdown measures, resulting in huge revenue losses

Advanced countries have been more open-handed in fiscal support for their economies, in particular for workers, while Third World countries have been extremely niggardly, not necessarily out of choice (except in the case of India)

This is not the time for fiscal conservatism. To get out of economic crisis, governments must undertake fiscal boosts which increase purchasing power of the poor

Newsclick’s Prabir Purkayastha talks about the role of modelling in understanding the disease, and the features and limitations of the various kind of approaches that have been used.

Feminists and women’s rights activists across the region say that women are at greater risk and urge the governments to step up measures to address all forms of gender-based violence

The government has decided to extend the 10-hour night curfew and partial lockdown imposed in the country, amid complaints of inadequate relief measures. Egypt recorded 168 new infections on Thursday

The mitigation strategy of the Swedish state to fight COVID-19 without going for a lockdown has received widespread criticism. The government has also announced sops for corporates

Vincenzo Colaprice from Giovani Comunisti talks about the response of the Italian government to the COVID-19 crisis and the challenges in the coming period

Cargo workers at New Delhi’s international airport say their salaries have been deducted as they were unable to report to work due to the country-wide lockdown in India. The Airport Employees’ Union has taken up the matter

While trying to disperse protesting workers demanding wages and allowances in Bhaluka Upazila district, the police fired tear gas canisters causing two fleeing workers to be hit by a fast-moving truck

Wuhan successfully fought against the COVID-19 emergency, with around 95% patients recovered and discharged. The city was in lockdown since January 23