The recent summit of South American presidents in Brasilia, convened by President Lula Da Silva, was a practical reflection of the political-electoral shift towards the progressive camp in the region. Venezuela has been a key player in this process

During a summit in Brasilia with South American leaders, the Brazilian presidential candidate seeks to overcome resistance to UNASUR

Lula’s incoming government has an immense challenge ahead to repair historic relations and alliances which were undermined by Bolsonaro

The platform of social movements will hold its third continental assembly at the end of April in Buenos Aires, Argentina where it will discuss its six principles of struggle

With the resurgence of progressive governments in the region and the strengthening of regional integration and anti-imperialist movements, the Lima Group is near its demise, with its purpose already defeated.

The Lima Group was founded to support the US’ regime change campaign against Venezuela. In just four years since its formation, five countries have already withdrawn from the group

RUNASUR, a new regional integration mechanism, aims at uniting the Indigenous people, peasants, social movements and workers of Latin America, as well as building a Plurinacional America

The meeting of Indigenous organizations, social movements and trade unions from 11 countries of the region concluded with a call for the creation of a new regional integration mechanism: the Union of South American Nations of the People

María Lourdes Urbaneja Durant tells Vijay Prashad that despite sabotage by the US, Venezuela has been able to curb the spread of COVID-19 through “participation of the people”

Argentine President, Alberto Fernández, recognized Nicolás Maduro as Venezuela’s legitimate president and criticized the economic blockades against the Caribbean country, setting up a new scenario in Latin America

Haitian activist and economist Jean Jores Pierre explores the history of the PetroCaribe Agreement and its relationship to anti-corruption protests in the country

Incoming President Luis Lacalle Pou showed the allegiance of his administration with Uruguay’s withdrawal from UNASUR and the interruption of the withdrawal process from the TIAR