Brazilian elections 2022
Un ataque criminal a la democracia: Por qué no debe haber amnistía para los fascistas brasileños

De toda la algarabía que resonó en la marea roja que se apoderó de la toma de posesión de Lula como Presidente de Brasil, lo más significativo fue el llamamiento a la “no amnistía”

India’s got the BRICS blues

Being an acolyte of the US-led “rules-based order,” India faces the specter of isolation as Lula takes over as Brazil’s president and the center of gravity in BRICS is poised to shift to the left of center

Lula da Silva begins third term as Brazil’s president

Immediately after taking power, Brazilian President Lula da Silva announced a series of measures focusing on tackling poverty and reversing the anti-people policies of Jair Bolsonaro

Eradication of poverty and hunger key priorities for Lula government

In his first speech as president, Lula spoke about plans for his government and announced the repeal of the arms decree

Everything to know about Lula’s inauguration

The Workers’ Party leader will begin his third term with an official ceremony, artistic performances and representation of 120 countries

Diputada Federal Juliana Cardoso: Lula debe salvar a Brasil del capitalismo salvaje

Bolsonaro había acelerado un proyecto que, según Cardoso, era una “avalancha de capitalismo salvaje. Es un capitalismo que mata, que destruye, que hace mucho dinero para unos pocos”

“There are not two Brazils. We are one people, one nation,” says Lula in speech

In the first speech following his victory, Lula called for the unification of Brazil to build a democracy that fights inequality

Brazil’s highway police carry out massive voter suppression in Northeast region, PT lawmaker claims

The president of the TSE says the actions of police officers are making it difficult for Lula voters to cast their vote

Far-right former deputy opens fire and throws grenade at police officers serving arrest warrant

Video shows Bolsonaro supporter Roberto Jefferson monitoring police officers by security camera and confirming he shot at them

“Using Venezuelan women in the campaign is disgusting”: Venezuelan feminists rebut Bolsonaro

Feminist collectives repudiated the president’s statements about young Venezuelan girls and demanded that migrants be protected

Lula leads in overseas voting with majority in 29 countries, Bolsonaro in 6

By 3:00 pm Brazil, voting had finalized in more than 70 nations from a total of 181 electoral precincts

Brazil elections: “We are not fighting for Utopia but for what the constitution guarantees us”

Luana de Souza is a militant of the National Coordination of Black Entities (CONEN) and a candidate for the State Assembly of Minas Gerais