Informal sector
Cement workers deaths India Precarious jobs, low earnings, and unpaid work haunt India’s economy

A recently released government report captures a reality where unpaid labor, especially of women, has increased significantly, informal work has increased, agriculture is increasingly the mainstay of work, and low-paying self-employment dominates the world of work

Indian labor Tricon dossier Indian workers remain alive to the class struggle despite decades of neoliberal onslaught

A new dossier by the Tricontinental Institute for Social Research examines the impact of years of neoliberal policies on the Indian working class and the long struggle by workers across sectors to protect their basic rights

How Pegasus played a role in Israeli diplomacy, Egypt’s betrayed revolution and other stories

Today we look at a New York Times’ report on the Pegasus spyware, the fate of the 2011 Arab Spring protests in Egypt, and more

Workers at HelloFresh speak up against anti-union scare tactics and dangerous conditions

Workers at the world’s largest meal-kit delivery service are set to vote on unionizing at two US factories

National strike in Colombia also a fight for fair access to health care

Regressive health and tax reforms have sparked protests in Colombia, building upon decades of undermining the public health system and reducing access to the poor and working class.

Alone Again: Migrant workers in India fight for survival

The migrant crisis is almost invisible due to unpreparedness on all fronts—vaccines, hospitals, medicines. It does not mean there is no crisis this year

Colombia’s leaders want to stain their country with the blood of the working class

In the face of a state that assassinates its own people, the Colombian people remain on the streets and continue resisting.

Pandemic in Brazil: app delivery laborers report worsening working conditions

Workers claim that demands put forth during 2020’s unprecedented strike have not been met and rates are even lower

COVID-19 laid bare the struggles and exploitation that domestic workers face

While domestic workers number in the tens of millions—constituting a major proportion of India’s workforce—their labor is not formally recognized, and they lack essential rights and guarantees.

The resistance of Senegalese street vendors

Journalist Lucia Sabini Fraga dialogues with Senegalese street vendors in Argentina and Barcelona who resist state repression and struggle to survive amid the pandemic

COVID-19 tightens its grip on the African continent

Pan Africanism Today Secretariat provides a detailed overview of the economic, social and health impacts of the coronavirus pandemic on the African continent

Crisis in Latin America and the Caribbean will deepen in coming months, experts claim

Several reports by international and regional organizations on the impacts of the global COVID-19 pandemic on Latin America and the Caribbean indicate that the economic, health and social crisis is going to aggravate in the region in the coming months