Workers’ Party of Brazil
Why is the Brazilian right-wing afraid of women MPs from the left?

Hundreds of members of trade unions, social movements, left parties and individuals gathered in Sao Paulo in solidarity with six women MPs from left-wing parties.

Everything to know about Lula’s inauguration

The Workers’ Party leader will begin his third term with an official ceremony, artistic performances and representation of 120 countries

João Pedro Stedile: “Lula’s victory is a political and social victory not just electoral”

In part one of this two-part interview, Stedile discussed the major challenges facing the incoming Lula government, the Bolsonarista blockades, and Lula’s priorities for foreign relations.

Diputada Federal Juliana Cardoso: Lula debe salvar a Brasil del capitalismo salvaje

Bolsonaro había acelerado un proyecto que, según Cardoso, era una “avalancha de capitalismo salvaje. Es un capitalismo que mata, que destruye, que hace mucho dinero para unos pocos”

Government of transition in Brazil: understand how it works and what it can do

The new president can appoint a group of 50 people who, in theory, should have access to the current government’s information

Tras la victoria, ¿cómo será la política exterior de Lula?

El gobierno entrante de Lula tiene por delante el inmenso desafío de reparar relaciones y alianzas históricas que fueron socavadas por Bolsonaro

Bringing hope back to Brazil

Thousands took to the streets of Brazil to celebrate Lula’s victory in the Brazilian presidential elections held on Sunday, October 30.

“There are not two Brazils. We are one people, one nation,” says Lula in speech

In the first speech following his victory, Lula called for the unification of Brazil to build a democracy that fights inequality

President Lula! 

Thousands took to the streets to celebrate as Lula, the candidate of the Workers’ Party of Brazil, defeated Jair Bolsonaro in one the most crucial elections in the country’s history

Brazil’s highway police carry out massive voter suppression in Northeast region, PT lawmaker claims

The president of the TSE says the actions of police officers are making it difficult for Lula voters to cast their vote

Haitian peasants declare support for Lula’s candidacy for president of Brazil

Haitian organizations organized a rally at the Brazilian embassy to declare their support for the progressive candidate Lula da Silva in the upcoming elections

Gilmar Mauro: “Defeating neo-fascism in Brazil is fundamental”

The national leader of the Landless Rural Workers’ Movement spoke about the work needed by left and progressive sectors within Brazil and globally to defeat the far right and save humanity